
- Project, development and execution of work for mechanical installations in the expansion of offices and production plant.
- Project, development and execution of UL / FM fire protection system work.
- Testing and delivery of installations.
- Advice and training for the correct use of mechanical installations.

- Project, development and execution of work for hydrosanitary installations in the Cúspide building.
- Project, development and execution of fire protection system work.
- Project, development and execution of a water mirror and fountain..
- Supply and placement of bathroom furniture in the building.
- Testing and delivery of installations.
- Advice and training for the correct use of hydrosanitary installations.

- Project, development and execution of work for a new industrial warehouse for the plastic washing process.
- Project, development and execution supervision for the industrial warehouse structure.
- Project, development and execution supervision of mechanical installations of industrial warehouse for process.
- Project, development and execution supervision of electrical installations of industrial warehouse for process.
- Landing of machinery and placing it in an industrial warehouse.

Edificio Roma Center
- Project and development of hydrosanitary installations in the building.
- Project and development of a fire protection system.
- Project and development of LP gas installation.
- Project and development of voice and data installations.
- Project and development of general electrical installations.