Development, realization and execution

Alcamare, planta de lavado de Comonfort

  • Turnkey project of the entire warehouse.
  • Structural project.
  • Mechanical installations.
  • Reception and placement of process machinery.
  • PTAR project..
  • Supervision in the construction of warehouse and PTAR.

Alcamare Proyecto, desarrollo y supervisión de nueva nave de para proceso de lavado de plástico

PRI Colima Offices

  • Project and development of hydrosanitary installations in the new PRI Colima office building.
  • Project and development of fire protection system.

Forsac México

  • Manufacture, supply and placement of sheet ducts.
  • Manufacture, supply and placement of support.

AP Solutions

  • Cleaning and laying of pipes for material handling system.
  • Manufacture, supply and placement of support.
  • Installation and fixed of drying equipment.
  • Use of lifting equipment.

Hella Automotive

  • Cleaning and laying of pipes for material handling system.
  • Manufacture, supply and placement of support.
  • Installation and fixed of drying equipment.
  • Use of lifting equipment.