Edificio Roma Center, CDMX
- Hydraulic installation.
- Sanitary installation.
- Pluvial installation.
- Project and development of a fire protection system.
- Sprinkler irrigation installation.
- LP gas installation.
- Voice and data installation
- electrical installation.
- Lineas generales
- Alimentación a servicios
- Descarga de servicios
- Conexión a drenaje municipal
contra incendios
- Lineas generales
- Alimentación a gabinetes
de riego por aspersión
- Distribución de circuitos
- Programación de riego
- Alimentación a tanque estacionario
- Circuito cctv
- Project, development and execution of work for mechanical installations in the expansion of offices and production plant.
- Project, development and execution of UL / FM fire protection system work.
- Testing and delivery of installations.
- Advice and training for the correct use of mechanical installations.