Development, realization and execution

New PRI Office Building, Colima

  • Hydraulic installation.
  • Sanitary installation.
  • Pluvial installation.
  • Installation of fire protection system.

New PRI Offices Building, Colima Hydrosanitary installation project
Hydraulic installation - Machine room
- General lines
- Services supply
Sanitary Installation - General lines
- Connection to municipal drainage
Fire protection
system installation
- Cuarto de maquinas
- Lineas generales
- Alimentación a gabinetes

APG México

  • Project, development and execution of work for mechanical installations for the new production plant.
  • Placement, leveling and fixed of peripheral equipment.
  • Testing and delivery of installations.
  • Advice and training for the correct use of mechanical installations.


  • New water chiller installation
  • Main head connection
  • Connection of pumping equipment
  • coatings thermal of pipes and connections


  • Project, development and execution of work for mechanical installations in the expansion of offices and production plant.
  • Project, development and execution of UL / FM fire protection system work.
  • Testing and delivery of installations.
  • Advice and training for the correct use of mechanical installations.


  • Project, development and execution of work for hydrosanitary installations in the Cúspide building.
  • Project, development and execution of fire protection system work.
  • Project, development and execution of a water mirror and fountain..
  • Supply and placement of bathroom furniture in the building.
  • Testing and delivery of installations.
  • Advice and training for the correct use of hydrosanitary installations.